Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW)

The Village of Bear Lake has established a long-term partnership with the Bear Lake Watershed Alliance (BLWA) to protect of the water quality of Bear Lake.

  • Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)

    Urban stormwater is a documented source of pollutants from impervious areas of a community’s business and residential districts. With the proximity of Bear Lake to this urban area, both the Village and the BLWA determined a plan was needed to protect the water quality of the lake.

  • SAW Grant Application

    In October 2013, a grant application was filed with Michigan DEQ to fund the development of a stormwater asset management plan and stormwater management plan for the Greater Bear Watershed.

  • Village Stormwater Asset Management Plan

    The Village of Bear Lake’s stormwater system is a typical, aging municipal infrastructure system. It is approximately 2.0 miles in length and consists of storm sewer pipes predominantly ranging in diameter sizes from 6” to 30”. The storm sewer pipes consist of mainline sewer, catch basin leads, and culverts. In 2019, the Spicer Group was retained to develop a Stormwater Asset Management Plan, funded by the Michigan SAW grant.

  • Scope of Work

    Spicer Engineering Group prepared a scope of work to develop a comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan in support of SAW Grant Application in 2017.